Monday, March 16, 2009

It's A World Gone Mad !!!

So, I am sure I'm not the only person who is stunned by the recent news that AIG is paying out $165 Million in bonuses to senior managers at AIG Financial Products, the division whose derivatives trading got the institution into trouble. This comes in the wake of a $160 billion bacilout package that has been handed to AIG execs after the meltdown of the financial markets. AIG executives justified this move by saying “You really do need these people, because they are the ones who know these contracts,” said Nick Ashooh, a spokesman for AIG. He said the bonus agreements were put in place well before AIG fell into difficulties...

There is some kind of terrible disconnect here. Don't these people get it? If any one of them accepts their bonus payment, after what they have done to this country and the economy, it would be an unthinkable act of greed. I'm not sure what to say beyond this.... just take them out back and shoot them....