Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Race of Champions

Well, Dalezilla can add another accomplishment to his growing list for 2008. The accompanying picture is his invatation to the 2008 Race of Champions that will be held as a pre-race to the Grand Nationals. While the nationals are through general registration, the Race of Champions is by invitation only and the top riders in their catagory from each state in the USA are invited to compete against each other. This is the good news....

Unfortunately, at this time, Dalezilla does not want to compete in the ROC! I think that it is just a little overwhelming for a 7 year old to grock the importance of this. He is more afraid that it is going to be too hard and that he won't do well. While I've tried to explain to him that, in my book, he is already a winner, he's not buying it and is pretty committed to skipping the race. Too bad, he may never get another chance like this in his life. Then again, this is really his first year of racing - maybe this will be something that happens again and again.

I haven't finished working on him yet. There is still time to get him to change his mind. However, I do respect his judgement and opinion on these matters and we will not go if he is not excited about racing in the ROC. Wish me luck and I'll keep everyone posted on what we finally decide to do.

1 comment:

Jon Simms said...

Well, it is now Nov 20th (almost). Dalezilla turns 8 years old today and the race is a week from tomorrow. I think it is safe to say that we are not going.... Oh well, there is always next year... maybe.

Ride hard Dalezilla!