Sunday, April 26, 2009

Freiker @ Almond, Week 5

Well, the kids are having a lot of fun with the Freikometer that is installed at Almond. Slowly, but surely, the number of rides per day is creeping upwards, we are now over an average of 100 rides.... but not by much. I'm not sure why the other 50% of the school has not registered and I know there are a lot of kids that ride to school everyday that are not Freikers - need to find out about that too. But here is what I have so far for the kids that do ride or walk:

Results at Almond School for week 5:
  • Approximately 265 kids are registered Freikers.
  • On averagle, over 100 kids commute by bike or by foot every day.
  • Grand total of 2,290 round trips in 5 weeks.
  • Grand total of 3,431 miles traveled! This is the distance from the Almond School parking lot to Lubec, Maine (pictured below) which is the eastern most city in the United States of America. This week they left Pittsburgh, PA and traveled through Philadelphia, PA, Boston, MA and Nashua, NH before they arrived in Lubec. The kids of Almond have successfully crossed the United States for the first time! How about that for hussle!
  • For the first time, Almond is the number #1 Freiker school in the US!
  • The number of bikes in the bike racks has increased by 70% from the week-long count that was done the week prior to Freiker being started.
  • We did the "Freiker rolls to Jamba Juice" at the beginning of April. This weekend we are doing "Freiker rolls at the Challenge Bike Ride". These are group rides focused on safe routes and bicycle safety and a great way to meet new friends in the community.
  • 73 kids qualified for the Baskin-Robbins free ice cream cone this week (every 5 rides wins you a free childs ice cream cone of your choice).
Well, you can't ask for much better results than that. I'm going to work on what it takes to get the rest of the kids registered and what it takes to get an average of 125 riders per day. I'll let you know how that goes.

Every Ride Counts!

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