Thursday, May 28, 2009

Safe Routes To Schools Legislation


We, in the city of Los Altos, are extremely blessed to have relatively safe streets for our children to ride, scooter and walk to school. Some of the safety projects that have led to this outcome have been funded by Safe Routes to Schools (SRTS) such as the traffic island on El Monte and a funding grant for the Freiker@Almond program for the 2010-11 school year. With that said, there is room to further improvements, for sure.

However, not all neighborhoods around our state and nation enjoy the same benefits that we do. SRST is a national program that works with various schools and government agencies to continue to improve the walkability and bikeability for all schools, regardless of their location, and fund encouragement programs such as Freiker. Today, however, SRTS touches only about 5% of the schools around our nation.

Click on this URL to take action on active transportation issues now.
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Every Ride Counts!

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