Sunday, September 27, 2009

The Morgan Hill Road Race

Well, the Cycling Buddies ran the 4th stage of the yearly classics and this proved to be quite an event. The best way to characterize the Morgan Hill Road Race was, stay out of the sun! This 70 mile road race starts in Morgan Hill, goes around Chesbro Reservoir, up Croy Canyon, past Uvas Reservoir into Gilroy, through Henry Coe State Park then back into Morgan Hill for the final climb of the day up Thomas Grade. What a butt kicker that was!

The starting temperature was warm but bearable at just over 80F. As the day wore on it became more noticeable that being in the shade of the trees in some of the canyons and back road was very nice and somewhat cool but the minute you were exposed to the sun on the open road it was like having a hot blow dryer on your face and upper body. The final climb on Thomas Grade was completely exposed all the way up as the noontime temp approached 100F. Now I know how people die of heat stroke... at one point I looked down at my cyclometer to check my vitals - my heart rate was at 192 bpm and I was starting to go cross eyed!

The story of my performance for the day was too fold - it does not pay to be the photographer since you are constantly chasing to catch back on and 'close, but no cigar'! I must have come in 4th, 5th or 6th on almost every KOM or sprint during the race but only ended up in the points once... 1 lousy point! But hey, I'm not complaining - it's all good when you are riding your bike :)

The post ride festivities were signature Fletch. The chinese chicken salad was to die for and the margs and beer were flowing as people tried to get some lactate inhibitors in their bloodstream. It is always fun to hang with the Cycling Buddies after a hard ride and shoot the shit. It's all about the days race... we chronicle everything that happened during the event from almost everyone's perspective. The podium positions for the day were 1st place: HammerSchlagen (this guy was in the money on every points segment for the day both sprinting and climbing). 2nd place went to Mark Jongsma who also walked away with the polka dot jersey for the most KOM victories. I'm not sure who got 3rd but it sure wasn't me!

View for most of the day... when I could stay close enough!

  • Distance: 68.63 miles
  • Total Ascent: 3,618 ft
  • Total Time: 4:00:41
  • Ave. Speed: 17.1 mph
  • Max Speed: 43.7 mph
  • Ave HR: 143 bpm
  • Max HR: 192 bpm
  • Calories: 4,733 cals
  • Starting Temp: 80F
  • Finishing Temp: 102F
  • Garmin Connect Map
Every Ride Counts!

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