Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Time for a Goal

OK folks,

I did my ride today which was up Moody Rd, down Page Mill, across Arastradero, down Alpine, across on Junipero Serra/Foothill and back to Peets Coffee & Tea. I timed myself going up Moody and ended up with a time of 5 min 8 sec. This is about 38 sec more than my best time. I am going to train just hard enough that, by the end of this month, I will be able to climb Moody Rd in less than 5 min. I know I can do this - I just have to start practicing! I'll keep everyone posted on how well I do with this goal. If I knock it off in a hurry, we'll reset the goal to something more challenging. Otherwise, I'll stick with it until I reach my goal. Promise!

Here are the stats for the rest of my ride:
  • Distance = 21 miles
  • Ride Time = 1 hour, 13 min
  • Elevation = 1,459 ft.
  • Ave Speed = 17 mph
  • Max Speed = 39 mph
  • Ave HR = 150 bpm
  • Max HR = 190 bpm
  • Calories Burned = 1,534 cals
  • Route on Garmin Connect
Every Ride Counts!

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