Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Day 1 of the march to 180 lbs !

OK, here is how I did on my weight loss program... Short and sweet! First, let's see how I did against my goals:;
  1. Eat 3 meals a day - no snacks. It is OK to be hungry. I did OK against the goal in this category. I just made one tiny little mistake when I had 3 sample size bags of Jelly Belly Beans as a treat! I'll try to not do this ever again!
  2. One helping at dinner time. No more! I did OK on this one too - but not great. Chef Adub made a fresh vegi stew from vegetables that she got at a CSA pickup earlier in the day. It was yummy! I couldn't help but take a smaller second helping.
  3. When given a choice, eat low fat foods. I did pretty well on this. Breakfast was toast, margarine and jelly. Lunch was pan seared noodles and vegis with skinless white meat chicken. Dinner was vegi stew. Everything was pretty low fat for the day.
  4. 1 glass of wine per day with dinner! Eh.... Errrr... I need to work on this one. Not bad but not good. 1 and 1/2 glasses for the day total.
  5. No dessert. Period! Almost! I did take a spoonful as I was dishing Dalezilla his nightly bowl of ice cream. Rocky Road is sooooo good! If I ever get to 170 lbs, I'm going to make myself a big bowl of Rocky Road.
and ride at least 20 miles per day on my bike! I almost didn't make this goal. I was planning on eating dinner at 5:00pm give myself 90 minutes to digest and then do the MVV Hill Interval ride. Unfortunately, Kira sprung on us at the last minute that we needed to shuttle her to Santa Clara for a Color Guard event by 5:30. Dinner just got pushed out. By the time I finish eating and gear up, it is 6:45. I made myself get on my bike and decided to do an easy ride to let my dinnner digest... nah... let's see if we an find the MVV guys tonight! I went looking but never found them. Ended up doing the Tuesday night Hill Interval course with a little cut off the start in an attempt to catch the club.

Stats For My Ride:
  • Distance: 21.7 miles
  • Elevation Change: 2,016 ft.
  • Rolling Time: 1 hr 24 min.
  • Pace: 3:53 per mile
  • Ave Speed: 15.4 mph
  • Max Speed: 41.8 mph
  • Ave HR: 145 bpm
  • Max HR: 182 bpm
Stats For My Diet:
  • Starting Weight: 190 lbs on Jun 16, 2009
  • Goal Weight: 180 lbs by July 3, 2009
  • Today's Weight: 187.4 lbs
  • Daily Delta: 2.6 lbs
  • Total Delta: 2.6 lbs
Thought For The Day: Stay hydrated. Drink lots of water!

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