Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Go By Bike !

In my previous posting I challenged you to stop and think every time you are about to hop into the car to travel downtown. "Can I do this errand on my bike?"

The embedded video does a much better job than I could ever do of explaining why it is so important to think about your choice of transportation options and the message it sends to your kids. Please consider the 2 Mile Challenge for a day, a week, a month or.. just may... as a lifestyle.

When I first started the Freiker program at Almond, I was a sport cyclist meaning I rode my bike for fitness only. If I needed to actually go somewhere, 95% of the time I did that in a car. I can attest that, with a little discipline, you really can loose 30 lbs of weight by riding it off. I did just that! But after being involved with the program for the last 6 months, I am beginning to see the value in bicycle commuting and how to do that more efficiently. I'm trying to make the 2 mile challenge a lifestyle choice. Wish me luck!

Every Ride Counts!

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