Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Time To Lose Some Weight...

We are going to be heading out on a 10 day cruise to Alaska starting on the 3rd of July. This is one of those family affairs and while we are all looking forward to it, 10 days is a long time to be on a cruise ship with nothing much more to do than eat! Last time I went on one of these cruises, it took me years to lose the weight I had gained. This time I want to have my body moderated before we even start - hopefully these simple lifestyle changes will carry over on the trip and it will keep me from going on a 10 day binge...

MY Goal: Get my body weight below 180 lbs before July 3rd!

That is roughly 10 lbs that I have to lose in 2 and 1/2 weeks... can it be done? I think so - that is about 4 lbs a week and I know I'm capable of that if I need to get it done. Here is my simple lifestyle routine that I think will get me over the hump.

  1. Eat 3 meals a day - no snacks. It is OK to be hungry.
  2. One helping at dinner time. No more!
  3. When given a choice, eat low fat foods.
  4. 1 glass of wine per day with dinner!
  5. No dessert. Period!
and ride at least 20 miles per day on my bike!

I'll keep you posted on my progress every couple of days and we'll see where I end up by July 3rd. Wish me luck!

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