Friday, June 19, 2009

Day 3: 184.8 lbs!

OK, so now I know I can lose another 5 lbs in 2 weeks - no problem. Let's reset this goal... let's shoot for 175 lbs by the time the cruise starts.... that should make things interesting. Amyone want to take any bets?

I'm sticking to my meal plan pretty well. Tonight was an exception since it is Friday night. I had a couple of glasses of wine *and* dessert! Blueberry coffee cake from the chef of the Savory Bite! Now that is worth blowing a diet for :)

I am also sticking to my riding plan. I rode every day this week - at least 20 miles. I did miss yesterday because the day took over before I could get my ride in but today I did 30 miles to compensate somewhat. The end result is still positive - 5 lbs in 3 days. And yes, I am drinking lots of water!

I am thinking I need a double-double though :)

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