Thursday, October 23, 2008

Feb 11, 2007: Alpe d'Huez Revisited...

A new personal best on Alpe d'Huez!!!

I guess the last 47 min and 40 sec of punishment were just not enough and I decided I had to try it again tonight. Besides, I ate to much at the Chinese buffet and and needed to work off the extra calories. So I mounted my trustee steed, the 1984 DeRosa Pro I have mounted on my trainer and started my warm-up. After about 10 minutes, I made my first attempt at an ascent up Alpe d'Huez but the program froze in the first left hander at the bottom and I had to abort and restart my attempt. The 2nd time the program froze again and had to be restarted. The 3rd time it worked like a charm and away I went up the long grueling climb up the 21 switch backs to the top.

This time I rode in bigger gear at a slower rpm to see if I could make better time. It seems to have worked, here are my stats for this attempt! A new personal best!!!

Total Distance: 10.5 miles
Total Time: 42 min 45 sec
Ave Speed: 14.7 mph
Total Ascent: 2,000 ft
Max HR: 172 bpm
Ave HR: 164 bpm
Max Power: 980 watts
Ave Power: 475 watts

This is significantly better than the first time I rode this course. I know the finish much better and we able to keep from blowing up when I got there. The 350watt rider was nearly 3/4 of a mile behind me this time.

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