Friday, October 24, 2008

May 9, 2008: Dalezilla Back At The Track...

Last night, Dalezilla made his debu back at the Santa Clara PAL BMX track. And what a showing it turned out to be - left arm cast and all. Have you ever heard the expression 'Start off slow but save the best for last'? Well that is just what my boy did - and he almost pulled off a win in the main against a very tough field. Dale finished 4th in the 1st qualifier - Zachery Loftus won, 3rd in the 2nd qualifier - Matthew Sterling won and 1st in the 3rd qualifier with Cody coming in 2nd, both moving onto the main.

So set the stage for the main event: Zachery Loftus, Matthew Sterling, Dalezilla Simms and Cody , in that order to start. This is a tough field. Zachery and Matthew are both experts and regular winners as is Dale. This is going to be a showdown - only problem is that Dalezilla is hindered by having a cast on his left arm so he can't wear his glove on his left hand and has a little trouble controlling the handlebars on the jumps so he tends to be a bit cautious as we saw in the qualifiers.

But Dalezilla threw caution to the wind in the main event and when the gate dropped he was balanced, standing and popped a good one right off the start. It was a dead heat down the front straight between Zach, Dalezilla and Matthew with them going into the first turn in that order. On the back straight, Zach had the lead, Matthew came up on Dalezilla before Dale turned on the afterburners and left his companion in the dust. In the 2nd turn, Zach had a sizable lead and Matthew was fading fast - Madman Matthew Sterling tends to shut down if the race isn't going his way. Dalezila made up some time in the rhythm section but not enough to overtake Zach on the main straight and Dale finished 2nd overall.

Not bad for having to race with a handicap - I was downright proud of my boy - he is back in the saddle and ready to roll !!!

Watch the Video:


  1. Zachery Loftus
  2. Dalezilla Simms
  3. Cody
  4. Matthew Sterling

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