Thursday, October 23, 2008

Sept. 23, 2006: OLH Personal Best - 21:20

When Paul Hartrey sent out the ride plan for the upcoming MVV Saturday Club ride, I knew it was going to be a punishing ride. Little did I know just how punishing it would be... or that I'd be the guy setting the pace at the front. The ride got started with a warm-up down Foothill. Then up Old Page Mill and right on Arastradero. Everyone is feeling good and looking forward to many climbing stages ahead. As we made the left hand turn onto Alpine, the club is moving briskly up the hill. Things feel pretty good for this old man but I know there is a world of pain waiting for me today. At the top of Alpine, we make the right on to Portola and role towards the hills to come.

Old La Honda We make the left onto Old La Honda and get ready to start the first climb of the day. Luckily I anticipated this one and had taken a tube of GU coming down Portola so it was into my system by the time we got to OLH. I hit my lap button as we cross the bridge at the bottom and the race is on. As we started up the hill, I kept a comfortable pace. I shifted into my 39/27 and kept my cadence at about 95 rpm. I feel light in the saddle. It wasn't long before I was off the front of the group. Someone asked me if I was heading to a fire... I just told them I was on a mission - but I didn't know what the mission was or why I had to be on it. I just knew I was feeling good and I didn't want to waste it. I also knew that I would burn out about a mile from the top and Switch would go pedaling by like he always does. I kept a steady pressure on the pedals and my heart rate around 172 bpm and danced my way up the hill. I was passing rider after rider as I kept a steady tempo. HR check, cadence check, legs feel good, breathing under control, things are looking pretty good as I hit the half way point.

I kept my tempo ride going and kept passing riders on the way up. With about a mile go before the stop sign at the top, I come upon a female rider. Seeing someone in front of me only make me ride harder but as I try to chase her down, she sense I am coming and she picks up the pace. Jesus, I can not close the gap. I look down and my HR is climbing, my legs are starting to get tired and I'm getting close to the danger zone. I back off a little bit and she gets a small gap on me. I keep telling myself that I need to ride my ride, not hers. I need to recover and then try again - I've got plenty of distance to go to the top. I start to get myself back under control but I put myself in a world of hurt and I'm just hopping I can hang on and beat Mark to the to. I keep grinding it out and pretty soon I'm gaining on the girl again. Not too fast buddy - keep it below the red line. She starts to pull away. I don't want her to - I've got to beat this woman to the top!!! I'm closing the gap slowly. As we get back into the trees and the windy section near the top she picks up the pace and I try to stay with her just 30 ft back. She grinds ahead.... I grind ahead in persuit. I know I've only got a couple of turns to go - it is now or never. I get out of the saddle and push as hard as I can. I can't catch her and she summits first but when I hit the lap button at the stop sign and look at it, I can't believe my eyes - 21 min and 20 secs!! A new personal best for me!!! What a triumph that ride was - the first climb of the day is behind me and what a climb it was.
I was the first one to summit from MVV and was about a minute in front of Mark Jongsma and Jim Pravetz. The rest of the club came straggling up the hill in 1's and 2's. After the regroup, we took off for Skylonda then down 84 East. What a fast downhill section - it is common to hits speeds in excess of 50 mph on this downhill. At the bottom we turn left on Pescadero Rd.

West Alpine This is a 7 miles uphill grind. I used to hate this ride but now I enjoy it. Having spent a great deal of energy on the OLH, I didn't have a lot to give on this hill and I took up my position in about 3rd or 4th in the peleton. It was a breatiful day and that means some pretty spectacular view on West Alpine. Up, up we to.... past the singing turkeys.... past the ranches.... past the clouds and up to the top of the Santa Cruz Mountains. I stopped with Pravetz right before the flat section to take in some views and talk for a little bit. Jim is a great guy, loves to climb and is pretty set in his ways. Be he is one damn good rider. As everyone shows up, we start to roll again, up to Skyline.

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