Friday, October 24, 2008

May 3, 2008: USS Pampanito 383

There aren't many times in your life when you get to do something truly unique but this last weekend was one experience I will never forget - and it had nothing at all to do with cycling - imagine that!!!

Since we couldn't attend the US Nationals due to Dalezilla's broken arm, we decided to join Dale's Cub Scout Den for a sleepover on the USS Pampanito 383 - a Balao class World War II submarine anchored at Pier 45 at Embarcadero in San Francisco. The Pampanito is open to the public for tours but we actually got a chance to stay on board overnight and live like the crew of a submarine had to live when they were on active duty.

I'm glad I wasn't in the navy on submarine duty - that would suck!
First of all, subs are hot, smelly, noisy, cramped, they reek of diesel oil and the living space for 80 guys is pretty small. The sub basically has 10 living/working areas:
  1. forward torpedo room
  2. officer's quarters
  3. control room
  4. galley
  5. crews quarters
  6. forward engine room
  7. aft engine room
  8. manuvering room
  9. aft torpedo room
  10. pump room
There is also cold storage locker and a conning tower (which is more like a booth).

In this tiny space you have to pack 80 guys and there are only 48 bunks and they are all crowded together. Figure that one out.
Anyway, if you are a 7 year old boy named Dalezilla, this is heaven!!!

Enjoy the video that I've attached to this blog. This chronicles our adventure aboard the submarine. We even went to and from the sub on train because that is what most of the servicemen in WWII did when they enlisted in the armed services. Dalezilla looked like a soldier going off to do battle!

USS Pampanito Tour by Jon Simms

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