Thursday, October 23, 2008

March 18, 2006: The Spectrum Ride

The saga of Saturday....

So, as things unfolded this weekend, it was only me and my daunghter who were going to San Francisco for her placement tests at San Francisco State. I figured I'm not about to sit on my thumb for 5 and 1/2 hours waiting for her so I decided to take my bike up, get her situated and then ride home. I left her the car and directions so she could get back on her own.
I preped everything and then took off. I came down Skyline, through Sawyer Camp Trail and then down Canada. While I was peddaling along on Canada I saw the Los Gatos guys riding along in a big pack so I decided to join them (even though they were going the other way). After a short conversation with one of the riders, the Spectrum ride blew by... I figure "why not, I don't have anything better to do this afternoon... Let's see what this puppy is made of, the worst they can do is drop me". So I took off to catch on to the back of the pack - they were flying. I caught on and hung on trying to get my vital signs back under control for a little bit. After a short recovery I decided it was time to show these guys what an MVV cyclist could do so I started working my way up to the front. At one point on an uphill section, the pack started to get fragmented and a group of about 15 got off the front. I got to the front of the chase group and grabbed the wheel of the first chaser. We rode *very* hard trying to reel in the break. As the first guy gave up the ghost it was my turn to take over. We were closing on the break by not as fast as my reserves were running out. After about 2 minutes on the front of the chase group I decided it was time for the next guy to take over - the break was only about 200 feet in front of us now. I caught back on about 10 spots back and we finally closed the gap. At this point I'm thinking "these guys aren't so tough" :-)

It wasn't long before we go to the 92 turn around but due to some heavy pack traffic, I missed the sprint break and figured it wasn't worth chasing the 10 guys that were off and running. We turned around, regrouped and then took off for the home-bound leg. This time, I wisely moved to the front right away - I didn't want to be more than 10 - 20 bikes back in the pack (about 60-70 riders estimate). The hammer was down and the pack was flying along at about 27-30 mph. I hung in there pretty well all the way down Canada, left on 84 and right on Whiskey Hill. As we turned left on Sandhill and started up the hill, it wasn't long before I found myself moving up at a pretty good clip and finally sitting in about 5th position and feeling pretty good - I was well in control of myself and felt like I could put on my own change at any minute. We summited the first hill and I was in 3rd or 4th position, headed down the backside and then the swarm started for the sprint up the hill just past 280. I was taken by surprise and lost some ground as everyone took off. I quickly recovered and was definitely heading for the front when the rider in front of me popped. I was blocked by the curb on my right, the slowing rider in front and the pack starting to surge by on my left. I found a spot to squeeze through but there was no way to get back up front. I crested the top in about 10th. I moved to the front on the downhill by catching a hard charger's back wheel. Soon he faded and it was me sitting out there all by myself - I stayed there pretty much all of the way down. I was the second rider back at Peet's (although most of them seemed to be winding down as we came up foothill). All in all, I felt like I was in pretty damn good shape - a year ago I was not able to hang with this ride for more than a couple of miles - this year I not only stuck with them but spent my fair share at the front doing hard labor. I think all the hours on the bike (come rain or shine) this winter have really helped to build a good base for me. I may have to try this again soon :-)

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