Friday, October 24, 2008

So, 'What's happening with me' you ask...

I'm back on my bike after basically taking the summer off to be Dalezilla's domestique, get Megan off to Spain, teach Kira how to drive and go on our usual 2 vacations. I got some riding in here and there but not much. Certainly not enough to keep my fitness up.

Switch and I started our morning rides again. I've basically been out of that loop since March when Adub took a morning shift that left me with the chore of taking Dalezilla to school. Seems like I quit just in time to miss the warmer mornings and I've restarted just in time for the temperatures to be dropping. In fact, I have my first cold of the season from my early morning rides. And, of course, it has kept me off my bike most of the week. Hopefully, I'll get a ride in tomorrow. Finger's crossed.

I probably should be planning some goals to get me in shape for the winter racing series. The Winter Solstice, The Dumbarten Challenge and the Solvang Century will be here before I know it. Got to get some base miles in somehow... hummmm.... let me think about this and get back to you. If anyone has any good suggestions on how to get my ass back in shape after 6 months off the bike, let me know...

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