Thursday, October 23, 2008


Well, after 8 weeks, my new Trek Madone SSL finally arrived!!! Nice bike, eh? The saga is that on an MVV club ride in early December, I broke the frame on my old Madone 5.9. I cracked right at the point that the bottom bracket and Seat tube butt together. I took it back to Palo Alto bikes and the rest is too ugly to talk about. Suffice to say, it took Trek and Palo Alto Bikes (I hold them both responsible) about 8 weeks to get a warranty exchange to take place. In the process, I asked how much an upgrade from the Madone 5.9 to an SSL would cost and was told $250 so I said "Go for it"!! Well, yesterday, the saga came to closure when I got the call and the bike was finally in. While the color was not what I wanted from looking at the webpage, I have to say it is a hot looking bike now that I have it in front of me. Especially with the American Classic 420s on it. Sweetness! I can't wait to take it out on the club ride tomorrow morning. I hope it is not raining.

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