Thursday, October 23, 2008

Feb. 01, 2006: A Stroll Around the Block

Today was a recovery day - refer back to my training plan - I'm going to stick to the schedule the best I can.

Mark came by and got me right on time. I was ready and rolled out of the driveway as I saw his light coming down the street. We did the Portola loop (short version) and talked the whole way. Conversations goes from what's happening with Jose, getting ready to go back to work at Oracle (me), lists that our wives are keeping for us to checking out the sunrise and how beautiful the sky looks with the cloud cover and sun peeking through. I really enjoy our recovery days because nobody is hammering and cycling is all about the ride, the scenery and the conversation.

I was careful to keep my heartrate below 65% of Max but there are a few places where this becomes tough. The first one is the hill coming up to Page Mill, then at the top of Alpine, again at the top of the first Sandhill hill and then again coming down Foothill before Edith. So, It gets a little high in a few spots - nothing to worry about.

Ride Stats:

  1. 25 miles
  2. Ave speed 16 mph
  3. Max speed 33 mph
  4. Ave HR 118 bpm
  5. Max HR 151 bpm
  6. Time in Zones
    1. Light Intensity - 2%
    2. Fat Burn - 67%
    3. Aerobic - 31%
    4. Max Aerobic - 0%
    5. Anaerobic - 0%

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