Thursday, October 23, 2008

July 14, 2007: The Markleeville Death Ride

I did it!!! 5 mountain passes, 130 miles and 15,133 ft of vertical.

A Few Facts:
  1. The ride goes over Monitor Pass twice, Ebbitts Pass twice and up to the top of Carson Pass and back down.
  2. Altitudes for the ride ranged from 6,000 ft to 8,900 ft.
  3. Of the 8 hrs and 50 minutes of riding, 7 hrs and 45 mins were spent going uphill and 1 hr and 5 minutes were spent going downhill.
  4. The temperatures reached over 90F that day!
  5. I drank 27 bottles of Cytomax and water to prevent dehydration.
  6. The last climb, up Carson Pass, is directly into a headwind. What a bummer!!! While it is not steep, the wind in your face just makes it that much tougher.

Ride Stats:
  • Total Time: 10 hrs 12 min
  • Ride Time: 8 hrs 56 min
  • Ave Speed: 14 mph
  • Max Speed: 59 mph
  • Ave HR: Not Available
  • Max HR: Not Available
  • Calories 8,632 kcals
  • Ave Cadence 58 rpm
MotionBased Link:

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