Thursday, October 23, 2008

The Winter Solstice Century

Date: Saturday, Dec 15, 2007

Well, the last long ride I did was the Death Ride in July. I've been pretty much off the bike about 3 months of the time and the last 2 months I've been struggling to get my miles in. I lost my mojo somewhere and I'm lookin to get it back. Damned if I didn't pick the coldest freaking day of winter to go do a century I wasn't prepared for. But hey... you have to do the rides to do the rides so here goes...

I hope you like my new format of ride reports, I'm going to try doing this for a while and see how it turns out. Hope you like it.

Ride Stats:
  • Distance...........107.34 miles
  • Elevation........: 4,800 ft.
  • Ave Speed........17.6 mph
  • Max Speed........42 mph
  • Ave HR............150 bpm
  • Max HR............190 bpm
  • Calories...........3,700 cals
  • Temp..............Freakin Cold!

Motion Based Route:

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